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Post and Courier – June 2024 – For Grandpa on Father’s Day

As we are now ebbing into the summer months, June gives us the opportunity to celebrate with, or in remembrance of, the father figures that impacted our life. Family dynamics can vary from implied…

Morning News – June 2024 – Help, School’s Out

As the promise of summer lurks ever closer, our beloved miscreants are released from their proverbial day-zoos that we casually refer to as schools. Since your daytime peace will now be replaced with…

Morning News – May 2024 – Wines for Mother’s Day Brunch

The southern pollen season has begun to subside and the blistering heat of summer has not yet found us. The perfect time of year to take a day for recognition of our mothers comes into view. This…

Post and Courier – May 2024 – Wines for My Birthday

Although I try to drink diversely from a varietal, style and regional perspective, when the month of May rolls around, all bets are off. This is the one month of the year that I drink only the wines…

Post and Courier – April 2024 – Spring Porch Sippers

As the weather begins to improve and winter loosens her grip, my focus shifts toward the impending imminence of porch drinking. Although the porch does not discriminate as to what liquid fills my…

Morning News – April 2024 – Wines to Enjoy with Your Spring Grilling

The Spring weather has arrived and, along with it, the evidence of nature’s fertility, pollen. Although this yellow-green persistent dust cloud hangs heavy over the region, I still yearn to be…

Morning News – March 2024 – Whiskey for Saint Patrick’s Day

Although the juice of the vine is usually my main focus, with Saint Patrick’s Day ebbing ever closer, I shift my attention to more “grain-based” liquids. Whisk(e)y enjoys production in many countries…

Post and Courier – March 2024 – Wines for Your Saint Patrick’s Day

When it comes to serving (or consuming) traditional beverages for certain events and holidays, I do so love to step outside the institutional norm. Although it would be an understatement to say my…

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