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FMN – February 2024 – Wines for Groundhog Day

In our modern world, it seems like every day has at least one associated special designation. There are so many obscure holidays that they arrive and pass unbeknownst to most of us common folk.…

Post and Courier – February 2024 – Wine for Your Valentine Success

With the turn of the calendar, February is upon us and with that a new month of holidays. This year we have Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday falling in February, along with the old favorites like…

Post and Courier – January 2024 – Serving Your (Un)Welcomed Seasonal Guests

Throughout the Holidays, most people see a slight uptick in their adult beverage consumption. We find ourselves encouraged by social, family or marital pressures to socialize with the very same…

FMN – January 2024 – A Temperate January

Every year I hear this incessant squawking about refraining from alcohol consumption for a month after New Years. I believe the upstart heathens call it “Dry January.” The nature of this…

Easy but Delicious Mulled Wine Recipe

Mulled Wine Recipe Ingredients A bottle (750 ml) of mid-range dry red wine (I like to use a Cabernet, Merlot or Syrah)

FMN – December 2023 – Wines With Holiday Nostalgia

This time of year has a very special meaning to me. For whatever reason, my memories of childhood seem to cumulate largely from occurrences around the Holiday Season. Now, as an adult, I have a…

Post and Courier – December 2023 – Wines for Holiday Drop-ins

As the holiday season ebbs closer, we see an uptick in both personal and workplace drop-ins. These mini-parties can give the host or hostess sleepless nights worrying about the happiness of their…

FMN – November 2023 – Pre-holiday Wallet Friendly Wines

I always subscribed to the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to finances. With the impending holidays, this has immediate applicability if you…

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